Dr. Jenkins [Distinguished Professor History, Baylor University, Co-Director for Baylor’s Program on Historical Studies of Religion in the Institute for Studies of Religion, and Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Humanities Emeritus at Pennsylvania State University] performs a thorough analysis of the Qur’an’s alleged anti-Semitic verses and concludes:
In order to make such texts look vicious, anti-Islamic critics systematically exaggerate the Jewish element in the passage… [2] The Qur’an offers nothing vaguely as explicit as the New Testament passages in which Jesus himself, who is for Christians the incarnation of the Divine, speaks so furiously against “the Jews.” It is the Jesus of the New Testament who calls his enemies the children not of Abraham but of the Devil, the Father of Lies. That same Jesus denounces the Jews of his day, warning that “this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world.” He was not condemning all Jews in any racial sense, but was rather attacking rival factions and leaders in his day. And that is the model we find in the Qur’an. [3] In reality, the Qur’an has nothing that need be taken as a condemnation of Jews, or of any ethnic group.
The fact is that no scripture prior to the Qur’an so much as acknowledges salvation as a possibility for adherents to other faiths. The Qur’an explicitly and repeatedly declares that the Jews will be amongst the parties of Paradise: “Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians—whichever party from among these truly believes in God and the Last Day and does good deeds—shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.
The Qur’an dedicates a whole chapter (Chapter 17) to the Bani Isra’il—the Children of Israel—and considers the Israelites to be a nation bestowed with special Divine favor.
Islam does not censure Jews because they are Jews. The Qur’an specifically states that Jews will be amongst the parties of Paradise [12] and that Muslims can marry from among the People of the Book. [13] The Qur’an does censure certain Jews, however, who have strayed from the teachings of the Torah—the Torah and Gospels, too, censure such Jews. This Qur’anic censure serves not only to urge those particular Jews to rectify their behavior, but also as an example for Muslim
The allegation that Islam is anti- semitic is dangerous because it creates fear of Islam and of Muslims when no such basis for that fear exist ( via muhammadfactcheck)
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